姚若侠,三级教授,博士生导师,计算机科学学院院长,全国高等学校计算机教育研究会师范教育分会副理事长,曾任陕西师范大学学科建设处处长,人才工作处处长等职。西北大学数学系本科,华东师范大学计算机系硕士、博士,上海交通大学博士后,美国明尼苏达大学数学系访问学者;陕西师范大学符号计算与人工智能实验室主任;主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目3项、省部级项目4项;研究成果先后在中国科学•数学、物理学报、数学物理学报、Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation、Physics Letters A、Chinese Physics Letters、Chaos, Solitons and Fractals、Nonlinear Dynamics、Applied Mathematics Letters等国内外重要期刊发表;2018年以第一完成人获陕西省科学技术奖二等奖1项,2006年以第三完成人获陕西省科学技术奖二等奖1项,博士论文获上海市研究生优秀成果奖(优博论文)。
[1] Yiping Tan, Ruoxia Yao*. Dynamics of an influenza epidemic model incorporating immune boosting and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2024, 188: 115446.
[2] Ruoxia Yao*, Yan Li, Senyue Lou. A new set and new relations of multiple soliton solutions of (2+1)-dimensional Sawada-Kotera equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021, 99: 105820.
[3] Yarong Xia, Wenjie Huang, Ruoxia Yao*, Yan Li. Nonlinear superposition and trajectory equations of lump soliton with other nonlinear localized waves for (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear wave equation. Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI:10.1007/S11071-024-10685-w.
[4] Yiping Tan, Yongli Cai, Ruoxia Yao*, Weiming Wang. Complex dynamics in an eco-epidemiological model with the cost of anti-predator behaviors. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 107: 3127-3141.
[5] Ruoxia Yao*, Yali Shen, Zhibin Li. Lump solutions and bilinear Bäcklund transformation for the (4+1)-dimensional Fokas equation. Mathematical Sciences. 2020, 14: 301-308.
[6] Yan Li, Ruoxia Yao*, Senyue Lou, Yarong Xia. Plenty of novel interaction structures of soliton molecules and asymmetric solitons to (2+1)-dimensional Sawada-Kotera equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021, 100: 105843.
[7] Yan Li, Ruoxia Yao*, Senyue Lou. An extended Hirota bilinear method and new structures of (2+1)-dimensional Sawada-Kotera equation. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2023, 145: 108760.
[8] Yan Li, Ruoxia Yao*, Senyue Lou. Novel nonlinear waves and interactional structures on constant wave background for (2+1)-dimensional generalized fifth-order KdV equation. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2024, 76: 125003.
[9] Yan Li, Ruoxia Yao*, Yarong Xia. Molecules and new interactional structures to (2+1)-dimensional generalized Konopelchenko-Durbrosky-Kaup-Kupershmidt equation. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2023, 43(1), 80-96.
[10] Yan Li, Xiazhi Hao, Ruoxia Yao*, Yarong Xia, Yali Shen. Nonlinear superposition among lump soliton, stripe solitons and other nonlinear localized waves of the (2+1)-dimensional cpKP-BKP equation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2023, 208, 57-70.
[11] Yiping Tan, Yongli Cai, Ruoxia Yao*, Weiming Wang, et al. Stochastic dynamics of an SIS epidemiological model with media coverage. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2023, 204: 1-27.
[12] Yiping Tan, Yongli Cai, Ruoxia Yao*, Weiming Wang, et al. Dynamics of a stochastic HBV infection model with drug therapy and immune response. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(8): 7570-7585.
[13] Yarong Xia, Ruoxia Yao*, Xiangpeng Xin, Yan Li. Trajectory equation of a lump before and after collision with other waves for (2+1)-dimensional Sawada-Kotera equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2023, 135, 1-9.
[14] Yarong Xia, Ruoxia Yao*, Xiangpeng Xin, Yan Li. Nonlocal symmetry, Painlevé integrable and interaction solutions for CKdV equations. Symmetry-Basel, 2021, 13(7), 1268.
[15] Yarong Xia, Ruoxia Yao*, Xiangpeng Xin. Darboux transformation and soliton solutions of a nonlocal Hirota equation. Chinese Physics B, 2022, 31(2), 02041.
[16] Yarong Xia, Ruoxia Yao*, Xiangpeng Xin. Nonlocal symmetry and exact solutions for the coupled variable-coefficient Newell-Whitehead equation. Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2020, 27(4), 581-591.
[17] Wei Wang, Ruoxia Yao*, Senyue Lou. Abundant traveling structures of (1+1)-dimensional Sawada-Kotera equation: few cycle solitons and soliton molecules. Chinese Physics Letters, 2020, 37(10): 100501.
[18] Yongxia Guo, Guangsheng Wei, Ruoxia Yao*. Uniqueness theorems for the Dirac operator with eigenparameter boundary conditions and transmission conditions. Applicable Analysis, 2020, 99(9): 1564-1578.
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023-01至2026-12,主持,在研。
[2] 陕西省自然科学基金重点项目,2021-01至2023-12,主持,已结题。
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2015-01至2018-12,主持,已结题。
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2011-01至2013-12,主持,已结题。
[1] 姚若侠,范虹,郭永霞,宋军锋,艾玲梅,王伟,非线性偏微分系统的可积性和不变性及其应用研究,陕西省科学技术奖,二等奖,2018年.
[2] 屈长征,张顺利,姚若侠,非线性偏微分方程的对称和曲面曲线运动,陕西省科学技术奖,二等奖,2006年.