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发布时间:2015-10-17     浏览量:   分享到:



  20151017 14:30

   点:长安校区 计算机科学学院学术报告厅

   办:计算机科学学院 智能视觉计算团队


报告题目:Computer vision applications: from using single camera to camera array

报告人:裴炤 博士


Today, Computer vision is being used in a wide variety of real-world applications, which include optical character recognition, machine inspection, retail, 3D model building, medical imaging automotive safety, match move, motion capture, and etc. In computer vision, we are trying to describe the world that we see and to reconstruct its properties. Since digital cameras have become inexpensive in recent years, cameras that involve using more than one camera have become practical and popular. This talk will briefly introduce the background and motivation of computer vision research. Then, an overview about monocular vision, stereo vision, multi-view stereo vision and their applications will be discussed. Finally, we will introduce our current research on camera array based applications such as synthetic aperture imaging, image stitching etc. Our future research direction and plan will be shown as well.


Zhao Pei completed his study in the School of Computer ScienceNorthwestern Polytechnical University in 2013. He received a Master of Science in Computer Software and Theory and a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology from the same school in April 2008 and July 2005, respectively. From Sept. 2010 to Oct. 2011 he was a joint Ph.D. student in the Department of Computing Science, The University of Alberta, Canada. His research interests include Video Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Dr. Pei has server papers published on the international journal and conferencein pattern recognition and computer vision field.

