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计算机科学学院学术讲座--On physical layer security performance of wireless networks
发布时间:2015-07-17     浏览量:   分享到:

讲座题目:计算机科学学院学术讲座--On physical layer security performance of wireless networks

讲座人: 姜晓鸿 教授



地点:长安校区 计算机科学学院学术报告厅

主办单位:计算机科学学院 网络信息安全团队


This talk deals with the fundamental performance study of physical layer security in wireless networks. I will first discuss the secrecy performance of correlated fading wire-tap channel, and then introduce some of our recent works on secrecy transmission capacity analysis of noisy wireless ad hoc networks under the non-cooperative jamming technique. Finally, I talk about the eavesdropper-tolerance capacity study of two-hop wireless networks under the cooperative jamming technique.



姜晓鸿教授现任日本函馆未来大学教授,西安电子科技大学兼职教授、博士生导师。其研究领域主要涉及计算机通信网络、光网络、高性能网络的路由/交换设计、无线网络编码和网络安全等。目前已经发表的论文超过220篇,包括30多篇IEEE trans的论文,多篇IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications等,曾获多项最佳论文奖,包括IEEE WCNC 2012,IEEE WCNC 2008,IEEE ICC 2005,IEEE/IEICE HPSR 2002等。目前姜晓鸿教授为 IEEE 学会资深会员 (IEEE Senior Member)IEICE会员(Member of IEICE)